Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Elena Nikulina

Elena Nikulina is one of my favorite top models. Maybe now in 2010 I should say "was", because she finished erotic modeling in 2009 for good. But since May 2002 I've seen Elena practically each year from one to several times. And we've shot so many photo sets and recorded so many clips together that I have forgotten the exact year in which we shot this clip I've just added to Dayne's Diary.

Yet, I can clearly remember old brick building in a nature park called "Klánovice-Čihadla" in the East of Prague, CR. This building is renovated now, and you can not go there anymore like we could some years ago.

Elena was a little nervous because we were only steps away from a frequented dirt road with curious people walking up and down.

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