Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tatiana Milovani (Valentina Rush) 1. Session 01

As I mentioned before, May 2010 in Prague was dominated by cold and rainy weather. Nude outdoor shootings were just impossible most of the time. Nevertheless, I wanted to take photographs of at least something and improve my skills, so I switched to non-nude photography taking photos of music bands and artists for free.

Yet, on 21th and 22th of May I had the chance to come back to the fields of erotic. Tatiana Milovani (Valentina Rush) and I had postponed our May shootings already 2 times. But I didn't want to leave Prague without having seen her at least once. And, last but not least, I knew that many of you visitors of Dayne's Diary ( might have been disappointed if I had missed her this year.

She wore her white coat, which was comfortable in the coldness and which gave us the opportunity to take some flash in the street pics. Tatiana loves it and the both of us had a lot of fun.

As giveaway to you here are extracts from the results of our first day:




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Tatiana Milovani (Valentina Rush) 1. Session 02




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Tatiana Milovani (Valentina Rush) 1. Session 03




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Tatiana Milovani (Valentina Rush) 1. Session 04




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Bridget (from MET-Art ATK Femjoy) [Lenka S.] 01

10th of May, 2010. Most of you will know Lenka S. under her stage name "Bridget" which is used at MET-Art or Femjoy. I'm an outdoor photographer, I don't like indoor shootings. I had in mind to photograph Lenka S. (or Bridget) at a romantic place in the green outside of Prague. But it was rainy & cold. Therefore I intended to postpone my meeting with her.

She's from Brno, 2 hours away from Prague, where she had an appointment with her dentist the same day. Thus, she had to come to Prague anyway. She begged me to work with her, because she needed money and because she wanted me to cover her traveling expenses. Since I'm a good guy (sometimes I think maybe too good :-) I invited her to my apartment.

I didn't enjoy our photo session. I had no professional light equipment with me and I was completely unprepared. Furthermore, she left the spot earlier than I expected (but taking the complete amount of money, which I had agreed on before). Well, she seems to be not only sexy and beautiful, but mainly a tough business woman ...

I hope that you guys still like the results and that I will be able to cover part of my expenses with your participation ;-)




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Bridget (from MET-Art ATK Femjoy) [Lenka S.] 02




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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tatiana Milovani pissing on the floor

Step by step I get first feedbacks to my website and my blog. I'm grateful for that and I really want to encourage you to tell me about your wishes, thoughts, advices and ideas that you have in regard of Dayne's Diary. I'm no big production company, I'm a single private person - so I can react very flexibel. Write me: You may also use my public forum. I'm looking forward to any message from you!

It is my impression that most of the answers I get from you so far focus particularly on one woman: Tatiana Milovani, whom you might know as Valentina Rush as well. What we all like about her is probably the enormous variety of the roles she can live: appearing as a high class business woman fits to her as well as playing a dirty muddy slut hungry for sex. But she never loses her charme and her style! Hopefully I will see and work with her again in May. Just hang on - I'll keep you informed.

For those of you who are devoted to Tatiana Milovani (aka Valentina Rush) I add 2 new clips to my Diary today. One was taken in late 2007. It shows Tatiana pissing on the wooden floor of my apartment in doggy style. If you find it disgusting, maybe your taste is a little different to mine :-)

The second one is a little older and was taken in the garage of my friend Peter, of whom I have told you before.

By the way: if you face any problems with accessing my page or with dowloading the files, never hesitate to get in touch with me!


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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tatiana Milovani aka Valentina Rush

For many years, my Czech friend Peter has owned a little company which lay close to the nature park Divoka Sarka in Prague. I've started many shootings with many girls just in the backyard of this company. Maybe you will recognize the place from my other productions.

The clip I added today to shows cute Tatiana Milovani (aka Valentina Rush) teasing and undressing. She's also saying some words in Czech language. What a nice, nasty and lovely lady she is!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Kathy Anderson

Here's another scene for the peeing freaks among you. And it's a real sweet candy: the girl whom you can see pissing on a toilet is not just anybody - it's pornstar Kathy Anderson! You will have to do a lot research on the internet, if you want to find another clip showing Kathy Anderson peeing. And I guess you would hardly find any at all.

I added it today.

Christine Pea

Okay, you will not see too much skin of Christine Pea in this new Dayne's Diary clip. But it might be interesting to those who like nude skin in public. We've been in the Hvezda Park in Prague where many people walked around. Christine Pea, who has never showed off nude in presence of unknown people, became thrilled and pent-up.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Marcie Cole

Today I publish a video clip of Marcie Cole, who works as waitress in a restaurant. It is the first clip of her ever released!

I ran into Marcie many years ago on the Old Town Square in Prague. It took me years to convince her to work with me, but finally she agreed. This little movie came into existence in late 2008. You can download it as of now on Dayne's Diary.

Jana Mrazkova a.k.a. Tereza Ilova, Britney Lightspeed

Jana Mrazkova, whom some of you might know as Tereza Ilova or Britney Lightspeed, also belongs to the models I've been working with now for many years. She significantly prefers photo shootings, but as from the beginning I've always tried to record some video clips, too, when we were working together.

What you see here is a clip showing Jana riding topless on a horse! I had rented a horse farm for a couple of hours, maybe 45 minutes away from Prague. It must have been September or October and it was quite cold already. The other girl you see in this clip was a young and curious lady, who helped us with the horses and who enjoyed being photographed with Jana Mrazkova.

Just added to Dayne's Diary.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Elena Nikulina

Elena Nikulina is one of my favorite top models. Maybe now in 2010 I should say "was", because she finished erotic modeling in 2009 for good. But since May 2002 I've seen Elena practically each year from one to several times. And we've shot so many photo sets and recorded so many clips together that I have forgotten the exact year in which we shot this clip I've just added to Dayne's Diary.

Yet, I can clearly remember old brick building in a nature park called "Klánovice-Čihadla" in the East of Prague, CR. This building is renovated now, and you can not go there anymore like we could some years ago.

Elena was a little nervous because we were only steps away from a frequented dirt road with curious people walking up and down.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Brigitte Dotter (Dagmar G.)

Herewith I present you a little sensation. At least it will be one for die-hard fans of Brigitte Dotter (Dagmar G.), a Czech girl who worked as erotic model only for about one year or so. Probably she had only 4-5 shootings all in all.

It all began with some photos of her on the internet, which arrested my attention. She was posing nude in public and looked so attractive that I immediately fell in love with her. I did a long research until I finally found her. In October 2007 she pleased me greatly by finally accepting my invitation for a shooting.

At that time I was living in a small apartment in Manesova Street in Prague, where I installed a tiny little photo studio. Brigitte Dotter (Dagmar G.) and I started an extensive private conversation and almost forgot taking photos and videos. We only shot one set of photos and produced a short video clip.

What we have here though, is her pissing break on the toilet in between. It's only a short clip. But if you like pissing scenes and/or if you're an admirer of Brigitte Dotter, a cheap 1-month-subscription to Dayne's Diary already pays off! And if you're patient, the rest of my Brigitte Dotter material will follow ...

Anita Queen

In June 2004 I had invited Anita Queen to a photo/video shooting in Divoka Sarka, a nature park in Prague, Czech Republic, and a favorite photo location of mine. When we were strolling around some rocks, I forgot to keep an eye on my equipment. Why should I? I thought we were alone. But obviously we were not. When we came back to get my camcorder after having shot some photos, I discovered that it was stolen. Unfortunately, not only my camcorder had found a new posessor, but also the cassette which was in there! On this cassette you could find a striptease scene with Katerina Henesova from the day before as well as a hot masturbation clip with Anita Queen on a raised hide (for hunters) from just one hour before. Gone forever, alas! But this thief must have had a perfect evening ;-)

Since I had a second camcorder at home, Anita Queen agreed in quickly doing another masturbation scene in my apartment. The location is not as interesting as the raised hide, but it's Anita Queen in action - nevertheless. I've just added it to Dayne's Diary. It was never released before.